
To calculate the average audience for the Indie Rock genre I looked on websites such as YouGov and Cubeyou and studied the bands in the genre.

Imagine Dragons
Gender - Female (55%)
Age - 18-24 (48%)
Social Grade - C2DE (51%, pretty even split)
Profession - Media and Publishing
Spare Income - £125 to £499
Interests - Young adult (Hunger Games, Twilight), Marvel (Wolverine), Great British Bake Off, CSI, Mumford and Sons, Ed Sheeran

Gender - Female (52%)
Age - 18-24
Social Grade - ABC1
Profession - Fashion Design
Spare Income - Less than £125 (Student)
Interests - Up, The Incredibles, Toy Story, Harry Potter, New Girl, Bake Off, Never mind the Buzzcocks, Mumford and Sons, James Bay, Taylor Swift

Arctic Monkeys
Gender - Male
Age - 18-24
Social Grade - ABC1
Profession - Entertainment
Spare Income - £125 to £499
Interests - American Beauty, Austin Powers, Elf, Bottom, Father Ted, Bake Off, The Wombats, Supergrass, Bryan Cranstan, Paul Rudd


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