People Involved

We all took some part in directing the music video. Whenever we weren't on camera we would be helping with the positioning or other aspects of the production (lighting, music etc.).
I am the lead singer, named the most 'confident' by my group. I bring a willingness for hard work, and a need for perfection, I will not be happy until we get the job done.
Currently studying an Art a-level, Lilly was able to bring an artistic approach to the group. She was in charge of choosing all our outfits and impressively matched them to the band members 'personalities'.
She is also one of the guitarists, and plays the pinee woman in the narrative.

Studied Photography a GSCE, this helped us with the lining up of shots including techniques such as the rule of thirds. Going into this with some outside knowledge is always helpful when shooting to allow for a wider perspective.
He plays a guitarist in the band, and plays the lead actor in the narrative because our chosen storyline suits him better; a man pining for a woman.
